The Darkness That Comes After

Believe in me and I will give you eternal Salvation, said the Lord. “Can I have Might or Kings instead?” asked the tank.

Update – Its Friday the 13th!! Oh teh noes!!

Posted by senseichow on April 13, 2007

Finally finished Gail Z. Martin’s The Summoner – review will be up shortly.

I received a very intriguing ARC from Solaris Books yesterday. A book called Set The Seas On Fire, by Chris Roberson. The blurb on the front page describes it as “Horatio Hornblower meets HP Lovecraft!” which suggests a level of bad-assedness which is truly… badass. Read a few pages already, and it looks promising so far.

For one reason or another, I’ve been a bit lax with my reading of Brian Lumley’s Necroscope: The Touch. Now that The Summoner and I Am Legend are out of the way, I should be able to make further headway into the novel.

I’ve also got hold of a copy of Daniel Abraham’s A Shadow In Summer, based on reading an interview he did over at Fantasy Book Critic. Also halfway through Scott Marlowe’s Hall Of The Wood (released online by the author, for free), and just received Joseph Heller’s Catch 22 (another cheap buy from eBay). Sigh… just gotta find the time to read all them too.

Speaking of Fantasy Book Critic, he’s got a great interview with Richard K. Morgan, of Takeshi Kovacs fame. Its been up for a couple of weeks, check it out. And while we’re talking about interviews, Pat’s Fantasy Hotlist has an interview with Ian Cameron Esslemont. You know… the guy who co-created that funny little Malazan world. There’s some good info about Return Of The Crimson Guard in there too.

In other news, various sites are reporting the sad delaying of Mac OS 10.5, aka Leopard, till October 😦

They were originally planning to launch Leopard in June, but apparently they had to pull people from the development team to get the iPhone ready for its own June launch. No doubt the news will have millions of Mac fanboys sobbing tears of heartfelt sorrow into their mocha lattes this morning while cradling their MacBooks and listening to Damien Rice and Lisa Hannigan on iTunes. Hell, I know I was.

The onus is on Apple now, with all the extra months they’ve bought themselves, to ship a truly great OS. I don’t mean just a snazzy new interface with eye popping graphics which is safe, secure, and stable while using up half the system resources of Windows Vista; no, no, we’ll take that for granted. This is Apple after all.

I mean an OS which redefines the word awesomeness, taking it the limit time and again. I expect Leopard to not just provide a… beyond awesome? ‘bawesome’? computing experience, but to bring about World Peace, whilst solving the AIDS crisis and ending our dependence on fossil fuels. All the while relentlessly hunting for Sarah Connor.

Hasta la Vista baby? F**ck yes.

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